22 02, 2022

How to Powerfully Handle a Lawsuit

February 22nd, 2022|

Years ago, I became interested in podcasts to listen to during my daily commute. Podcasts quickly became the way I stayed up to date on news, entertained by true crime dramas, or expand my knowledge and expertise. Most recently, I was listening to The Real Estate InvestHER Show, which is co-hosted by Liz Faircloth and Andresa Guidelli. The show centers around female real estate investors sharing practical tools, lessons, and other information for growing a

15 11, 2021

Corporate Freezeouts: Protect yourself from a business partnership fall out

November 15th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |

As the Principal of a boutique business and real estate-based law firm, I have been seeing an uptick in small business start-ups and related issues that naturally occur in these environments. With the stress of Covid-19 and the ever-changing recovery and adjustments businesses are having to make in order to survive, there is one issue, in particular, that seems to be stealing the headlines so to speak: corporate freezeout claims associated with changing percentage interests.

13 07, 2021

What the Surfside Florida Condo Collapse Has Taught Us About Condo Associations and Trustee Procedures

July 13th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

The tragedy of the Champlain Towers South condominium collapse in Surfside, Florida has gripped the nation as its deadly impact unfolds. Since the collapse on June 24, it has been discovered that delayed maintenance may have led to this disaster. This was a wake-up call for many condominium associations as the deferred maintenance and inadequate savings the condominium faced are common concepts. In associations, it is not uncommon that the Trustees who make up the

7 07, 2021


July 7th, 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

For title attorneys, it is common to see title issues arise from family property that was not disposed of or otherwise accounted for prior to a person’s death. Often, many of these issues can be avoided through planning. When someone owns property, no matter their age, it is important to think about their future and what they would like to happen with their property in the event of their death. Planning this in advance helps

22 06, 2021

The State of Emergency Has Ended but No Changes for Non-Payment of Rent Evictions

June 22nd, 2021|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Effective June 15, 2021, the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 State of Emergency has been lifted. To provide temporary regulations during COVID-19, many provisions of laws and executive orders were put in place until the end of the State of Emergency. Related to evictions, it was expected that most provisions of Chapter 257 of the Acts of 2020 would not be required once the State of Emergency was terminated. On June 16th, however, Governor Baker signed a bill

17 08, 2020

Back To School Season Raises Estate Planning Questions

August 17th, 2020|

Back to school for both teachers and parents means making the necessary preparations for a successful school year.  You may have purchased pencils, pens, notebooks, and folders, but have you updated your estate plan? Given the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic (how long will it last? When will they have a vaccine?  Is the vaccine worth the risk? More and more teachers returning back to school should be thinking about whether they have the

5 05, 2020

Canceling a Business Contract During COVID-19

May 5th, 2020|

What if my Cancellation Clause Didn’t Include the Word “Pandemic?” Our last blog on Force Majeure was published just as news of COVID-19 was unfolding and there will still many questions about performing work and staying on schedule.  Soon after, store fronts had closed, contractors were prevented from performing work and the government-initiated lock down was put in place.  The building block for most businesses is the business contract, instantly in jeopardy as the

29 04, 2020

Remote Notarization Is Enacted: Rules You Need To Know

April 29th, 2020|

The purpose of a Notary Public has withstood the test of time ever since Christopher Columbus brought the first notary to the New World in October 1492*.  Throughout centuries, notarizing a document has slowly evolved as a trusted way to formalize a contract.  Early on, certain rules applied to a Notary Public throughout the years - such as requiring election by a state’s general assembly, formalization of contracts with a fancy embossed wax seal

22 04, 2020

The Essential Eviction: Some Landlords Can Still Move Forward

April 22nd, 2020|

If you own or manage a large, small, for profit or nonprofit organization, you can still be evicted, according to the Massachusetts Eviction and Moratorium Act, signed by Governor Charlie Baker on April 20, 2020, if you're not considered (non-essential)*. The Act expires 120 days from April 20th or 45 days after the emergency declaration is lifted, whichever is sooner. EVICTIONS Don’ts residential landlords cannot terminating tenancies, send notices to quit or take any "non-essential"